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Within You Without You

Current Mood: Balanced
SimonPontius (*Simon, *Pontius)
Male Male - *Thentis, Other
sexort Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Posted: 2019-07-03 11:47:36 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 221 times Likes 6

     Finishing a small repair job at a tavern, must have been one knock down drag out brawl, he settles down to have an ale at the tavern owners insistence. A small table in the corner, he sips and watches Masters and slaves, understanding the relationship between the "owner" and being "owned" and begins to wonder if there is more to this in life, I mean after all how many times do you have to hear " Master, this girl loves you..Master this girl is this or that.." to stroke ones ego. Kings if you're a Free Man your confidence and ego should not be a matter at all, you in fact have it all, from sex to having your feet rubbed and if you want a meal or a drink, you can get it yourself, Free does mean the ability to move and act unhindered.

     After awhile he's had enough and goes to pay for his drink, " your coin is no good here" to which he replies "yours is no good in my hands either" smiles and slings his tool box over his shoulder with a warm handshake he leaves, not wanting to be paid. It didn't take him long and if you can't do a favor for a towns person, then something is wrong with you. Placing his tools up on the wagon he sends his thrall off wanting to walk home tonight. It's a warm summers eve, the canopy of stars, the slightest of a breeze, besides walking and running are a habit he's had for a very long time.

     On his way he takes a short cut through a field of wild flowers, the scent of jasmine and rose drifting in the air, it makes him smile and reminds him of the good things around him, his family, his friends, his health and in all that reminiscing he finds himself sitting in full lotus, among the blue-bells, a carpet of blues, lavenders and aquas. Taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes, becoming part of his surroundings.

     Thoughts and non-thoughts, his mind clear one moment, then like a child running about, in and out, knowing he can silence his thoughts but thinking about silencing a thought is like trying to shovel smoke with a pitch fork in the wind. Focusing on his breathing, in and out, in and out... 

     " The space between us all, the illusions we hide behind like a wall, the truth is never seen until it's too late. How if we see beyond ourselves our peace of mind is there, some gain the world but loose their soul, they don't know, they don't realize how precious and how connected we all are, how we are all of the same inner being, no matter of caste or position, we bleed when we are hurt, we weep when we loose what we held as real, it's all transient, nothing is permanent, thats not to say suffering does not come and go but if you change just a little, don't blame your suffering on others, learn the cause and heal it, maybe just maybe we all will see clearly for the first time together. Listen to yourself, that little voice that chatters away insistently, you do have something to say to yourself, the material around you will fade, but you..there was never a time you did not exist and there will never be a future where you cease to be."

     Around him the symphony of the night brings him back, his eyes focus, his breathing and heart beat back to normal, he feels a calm peace, knowing that wasn't a thought but a gift laid gently in his mind, like a mother tenderly laying her sleeping child to her breast, something he'll carry and use even when he's not conscious of it at all. Unfolding his legs and standing, stretching and running a hand through his hair, he grins and looks to the field of stars above him, " thank you" in a hushed whisper and continues on his way home, the most relaxed and at ease he's ever been.



2019-07-04 12:08:37 am
You have a gift of taking people to places they have left behind because events get in the way. Thank you..blessed moments with blessed memories swirl back into this thing called mind, and l smile....
2019-07-04 8:44:03 am
“ Just gives a smile and a wink “