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Messages - Holden

Chit Chat / Re: Grief
October 25, 2017, 03:38:57 AM
It's crippling.  I am dealing with the same issue now.  I've noticed that its often a random thought about a specific thing that the person will no longer share with you that sets you off.  Distraction seems to help some, try to stay busy and  keep your mind elsewhere.  I wonder if that will just cause the grief to come crashing down later, but for now it's helping.  The bottom line is that time heals all wounds.  It lessens over time but by all accounts  remains forever.  One thought dawned on me early on that I've found to be somewhat comforting and hopefully helpful to you too, that being that the degree of pain associated with that grief is commensurate with the degree of love you feel for the person.  he more you love them, the more your heart breaks.  Your pain is a tribute to them.  It's still early for me, 6 days since my mother suddenly died.  Sometimes I think I can't handle it, so I suppress it and am able to function until another wave of grief washes over me.  They say the only real cure for depression is helping someone else.  Perhaps that strategy will work here.  Time will help.  Stay strong, I feel for you.