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Messages - FLY Guy

I was also permanently banned from Open Minded for a 'ban evasion'.

On Monday 11/4/2019 I was banned for 24 hours - no reason was given, and I was not in the room nor logged into buzzen when I was banned. On Tuesday 11/5/2019 the ban was lifted - I went through the normal sign-on and was in the room several times on that day. On Tuesday night I was permanently banned when logged in the room for a 'ban evasion'. No other information was provided.

Given that I did NOT change my nickname, change my passport, nor change any thing about my buzzen account, and that my ban was obviously lifted after 24 hours, I have to wonder exactly how I managed to 'evade' a ban.

Was I simply banned because the new room owner/host does not like me ? (shr) And if that is the case, why not simply say so instead of posting falsehoods about chatters.

Promote Your Room / Re: The theme song for Buzzen
January 17, 2019, 12:35:54 PM
The quintessential theme song for chat:

"This Masquerade" (long version) by George Benson ys)

'nuff said
Chit Chat / Re: No one is above another
December 15, 2017, 02:50:15 PM
â,,¢Pᴏʀá´,,Êœá´...ᴏɢâ,,¢ is correct about Tawkin being correct.

X_____________  is incorrect about SFtly being correct - or he would be correct if she were incorrect.

The rest of you are all correct about something, but it doesn't exist in chat. And certainly there are some incorrect posts somewhere, about both correct and incorrect posts.

All that really matters is how well reindeer can FLY. This is the correct way of the world.

Well, so much for being 'Really Open Minded' - Seth just blew it. Of course he is too stupid to actually follow through on anything.
In the immortal words of Popeye - it ain't who you know, it's who you blow.

Reindeer FLY

Supreme Vaquero of the Plains, Defender of the Faith, Highest FLYing MOFO on Earth
Many thanks to Krissy for creating a room with free and open expression.

Promote Your Room / Re: Open Minded.
November 29, 2017, 01:15:55 AM
Open Minded,

" Fly, obviously you don't follow rules either...Eyecu said this forum was for promoting rooms, not bashing them. "

Perhaps you should address your remarks to DriftyAlison, who brought up the issue of 'following the rules'. I simply responded to their post. And, if i had wanted to 'bash the room' I would not have remarked and agreed about the room owners having the right to ban anyone anytime they wish.

Instead, you choose to frame your post in such a way as to polarize and inflame - not to promote your room.

This forum is titled 'Open Mind' - not 'Promoting Chat Rooms' and not 'Promoting Open Mind'. Perhaps you should clarify your 'rules' so that people can actually follow them.

Promote Your Room / Re: Open Minded.
November 28, 2017, 12:11:46 PM
Drifty, you ask how hard is it to follow rules ? It's pretty easy, if the rules are posted and the hosts follow them. In my experience with OM, all of the hosts would not follow their own rules - especially if it were inconvenient to them or to one of their 'friends'. I have no problem with being banned from OM, even though I was never told why I was banned. It's the hosts' room, they can do what they want. But don't try to pretty it up with assertions that people are banned from OM for 'not following the rules'.

And incidentally, I'm sure I was banned for the simple reason that I pointed out to the hosts that they didn't follow their own rules, and consequently I refused to talk to the hosts.