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flash plugin

Started by ThehowlinDuck, May 18, 2017, 04:07:49 PM

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message in room says flash plug in is disabled or not installed  so room will not load   the flash plugin is installed and enabled. welcome any suggestions




Enable flash in your browser if webchat is not loading. Following are instructions for most common browsers:

    How to enable flash player in Chrome.
    How to enable flash player in Firefox.
    How to enable flash player in Internet Explorer.
    How to enable flash player in Microsoft Edge.


There seems to be an issue using Microsoft Edge for some users. Please use IE or other browser.


I had a similar problem on google chrome. I downloaded from google on the google chrome browser a new copy of the adobe flash player. This seems to work. I used the browser itself so that the flash player would attach to the google chrome. My laptop was not affected. My PC and net book were.


Quote from: ThehowlinDuck on May 18, 2017, 04:07:49 PM
message in room says flash plug in is disabled or not installed  so room will not load   the flash plugin is installed and enabled. welcome any suggestions



went through enable flash plugin several times --no result


Could be another issue. All I can say is that it has been tested on all browsers and does work provided flash is installed and enabled for the chat page.


I did everything suggested,and still cant get in.I keep getting the same message.. :'(


have you tried a different browser?

 How do I enable Flash Plugin on my browser?
